Our Charcoal Grills To Perfection
Use A Chimney Starter
Using one of these tubular starters means you can light charcoal easily with a few sheets of newspaper – the coals will catch and start glowing quickly and easily. A chimney also protects the coals (and you) on a windy day. Once the coals are ready, you can safely and easily tip them into the barbecue.
Learn To Recognize When Your Coals Are Ready
If you try to cook something when the coals aren’t ready, it may overcook or burn – it’s not a risk worth taking. Use our color code guide to help decide when to start cooking your food:
Black or grey with flames: Not ready yet. Step away, have a cold drink and relax.
Glowing white hot with red centers (blow very gently to check): Ready for direct heat.
Ashy white but still very
hot: Ready for indirect
heat or cooking in the coals.
Natural Coal For A Fresh-Tasting Hookah
For fresh-tasting hookah, choose natural coal instead of instant coal. Did you know that hookah sessions with natural coal rarely end with a headache?